Wildlife Camera Rates of Detection:



Grey Fox


This application displays rates of detection by month for the north array of cameras on Mt. Tamalpais.

A rate of detection is the number of species seen during each event, normalized by 100 working trap nights. A trap night is a 24-hour period where a camera was working correctly.

The number of species per event is the max number of species detected in a "burst" of camera images. The burst is taken from the first image trigger until there is a quiet time of 5 seconds between 1 image and the next.

Graduated symbols represent rates of detection by species as referenced in the legend where 100 is the highest recorded value and 50 is the median.

How to use the app:

  • 1. Select species of interest from dropdown menu (all or indivdual).
  • 2. Use time slider on lower left of screen to cycle through months and years of interest.
  • 3. When time period of interest is determined hover mouse over camera location of interest to get an info window highlighting the rates of detection by species along with the trendline for each.

September, 2014

Rate of Detection for Bobcat, Coyote and Grey Fox by Camera

Camera ID:



Grey Fox:

Trend: 2014 – 2017


Bobcat :

Coyote :

Grey Fox :